Lesson Plan for 1st Grade - Music - Singing Songs

### Lesson Plan: Singing Songs #### Grade Level: 1st Grade #### Duration: 30 minutes #### Subject: Music ### Objectives - Students will be able to recognize and sing simple melodies. - Students will understand basic concepts of pitch, rhythm, and tempo. - Students will be able to participate in group singing activities. ### Materials - Piano or keyboard (optional) - Audio player and speakers - Song lyrics handouts (age-appropriate simple songs) - Whiteboard and markers - Visual aids for musical notes (optional) ### Vocabulary - Melody - Pitch - Rhythm - Tempo ### Standards - National Core Arts Standards (NCAS): - MU: Cr2.1.1 (Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work) - MU: Pr4.2.1 (Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation) ### Procedure #### Introduction (5 minutes) 1. **Greeting and Warm-up:** - Greet the students and briefly discuss what they will be learning—singing songs. - Conduct a quick vocal warm-up. Lead the students in some simple vocal exercises such as humming “mmm” and singing “la-la-la” to get their voices ready. 2. **Introduce Vocabulary:** - Briefly explain the key vocabulary terms: melody, pitch, rhythm, and tempo. #### Instruction (10 minutes) 3. **Teach a Simple Melody:** - Choose a simple, familiar song suitable for 1st graders (e.g., "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"). - Play the melody on a piano or keyboard and ask students to listen carefully. 4. **Sing Along:** - Sing the song line by line first while students listen. - Then have the students repeat after the teacher line by line. - Display the lyrics on the whiteboard or distribute handouts. 5. **Discuss Elements of the Song:** - Highlight the melody: "This is the tune we are singing." - Talk about pitch: "Some notes are high, and some are low." - Introduce rhythm by clapping along with the song. - Explain tempo: "This song is sung fast/slow." #### Guided Practice (10 minutes) 6. **Group Singing:** - Lead the whole class in singing the song together. - Encourage students to sing along, focusing on following the melody and rhythm. 7. **Activity - Follow the Leader:** - Sing the song using different tempos (fast and slow) and have the students follow the leader (the teacher). - Use hand movements to indicate changes in pitch (high notes, lift hands up; low notes, bring hands down). 8. **Question and Answer:** - Ask questions like "What did you notice about the tempo of our song?" or "Can you point out when we sang the highest note?" #### Closing (5 minutes) 9. **Review and Summarize:** - Review what was learned about melody, pitch, rhythm, and tempo. - Sing the entire song one more time as a class, making sure everyone participates. 10. **Cool Down and Reflection:** - Let students share what they enjoyed about the class. - Cool down with a soft hum to bring the lesson to a calm close. ### Assessment - Informal observation of students’ participation and singing during the lesson. - Ask individual students to sing a line from the song to check their understanding of pitch and rhythm. - Verbal questions to assess understanding of vocabulary (melody, pitch, rhythm, tempo). ### Extensions - Introduce movements or actions to go along with the song to reinforce rhythm and make the lesson more engaging. - Allow students to suggest songs they know and try singing them as a class in future lessons.